miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

¡Hip Hip Urra! ¡Felicidades queridísimos amigos!

Con mucho cariño para mi llovisna Laura, para Antar y Adriancito.

2 comentarios:

Adrian dijo...

Many Thanks Vanex, This will be unforgettable and is actually unbelievable...
I Like the part that say: the question is, what is a "Mana Mana"?
What bothering me, even I know this was not your intention, is the second question that the old man ask... "Who cares?" That was not polite at all for a B-day gift!!! :))))))))))
Just kidding... Take care and thanks again...

VRH dijo...

At least you hear it completely. Ja,ja,ja, so "Mana mana"!